Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What Goes Around Comes Around

 The comedy around Castello Di La Filthie continues apace. I had to laugh when my arch enemy - General Aesop - was making disparaging remarks about my nation because of our faggot faced prime minister and his gun ban nonsense. Whatever - it's not like I give a hoot what Justin and his fart catchers decide. With the sky rocketing violent crime from soft liberal criminal policies... the cops are going to have their hands full with real criminals.

And the provinces are pretty much fed up with Turdo's faggotry too. Whatever... as long as the cops leave me alone, I am more than happy to leave them alone too. It has to make ya laugh - the liberals want to let violent thugs out of prison, and put law abiding gun owners in jail! Fuck 'em, is all I gotta say.

But now Cackula Harris is vowing bans and confiscations of AR15's. It's like the classic Stooges pie fight, Curly hucks a pie at Moe - and is spattered 5 seconds later with a pie himself!

Enjoy handing in your guns, General. HAR HAR HAR!!!


  1. I never registered shit the first time and won't be doing so in the fuutch! These commie fucks don't understand the hellfire that will be rained down on them once it pops off!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. What makes you think the cops will go after actually dangerous violent criminals? Much safer to deal with people retweeting something “offensive” or similar harmless and stupid shit.
