Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Turdo Bucks


This - in a nutshell - is how smart the average fucken Canadian is. 

Our sparkle socked, shit spackled prime minister and his retarded cohort decide they are gonna save the environMINT. Through taxes!!! And if you’re a good little communist, and ya pay your taxes… ol’ Faggot Face might give some of it back to ya!!! Magic!!! Free money!!!!

“Hold on” says PP (Pierre Plliev, Canadian Conservative Party in the opposition) - “Do the maff! Turdo rapes the average Albertan family for $1800.00… and you think you’re getting free money…?

“The taxes kill jobs here in Canada, raise costs, and drive investors away to China. We end up having to buy the stuff from them that we used to make here, while they set records for pollution, utilizing slave labour and other economic fuckery and cheatery. How on earth is this good for the environment or Canadians?”

And what is the response from the Canadian liberals?

“Racist!!!!” Seriously! šŸ˜‚

Nobody knows where that money they collected went, what as done with it, who is involved, etc etc. But! Our virtuous homo PM is saving the environMINT and giving away free money!!!

I better go lay down before I stroke out or start fed poasting…šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬

Whatta fucken country. Ordinarily I’d spend it on ammo but..I’m well heeled in that department. My murdercycle needs new whitewalls so maybe I’ll spend the money on that and hopefully pump a bit more carbon into the air.


  1. SOOOOO many people out there think PP has it in the bag and he'll stomp Trudy without breaking a sweat in the election next year. I am not one of those people. The majority of Canadians are so soft, weak, and stupid, I can't see it ending any other way than the status quo remaining as is.

    1. I can see him knocking them off in an election, maybe…but I seriously wonder if they’ll change anything. PP talks a good talk, but I seriously doubt he can do half the things he’s promising to do…

    2. Exactly. If PP does win, I figure it'll come down to two possible outcomes: 1.) PP goes balls out, pisses the majority of Canadians off in doing so, and ends up serving one term; or 2.) PP, out of self interest, maybe changes a couple of things, blames the liberals for not being able to do more, and things mostly stay the same. He then ends up serving one term and the libs get back in.

    3. That's so cute! You guys actually think voating counts! It's not who votes, it's who counts the votes. Silly wabbit, choice is for rulers, not peasants.
      Definitely get some tires.

    4. @ Tree Mike: That's where you're wrong, bucko! In Canada, they don't need to rig elections because our 'rulers' know the country is filled with cowardly, malleable, vindictive little mole people who love socialism and couldn't go even a day without daddy government running their lives and telling them what to do. Even our 'right wing' political parties are still very left of center.

    5. A coworker is demanding we mask up to prevent monkeypox. I told him to stop having anal sex in the airport bathroom and he'll be safe. This is the same idiot who demanded management bring in mandatory vaxxing and was publicly calling for re-education camps for the un-vaxxed. He votes, his vote cancels out mine. There are a lot of people like him and less of us still able to think critically.


  2. Nothing will change. As JL said: "People are stupid". Not just Canadian people. As long as people all over the planet have their bread & circuses and are afraid of losing them if they buck the government oligarchs too hard things will just go along the usual kings/peasant’s symbiotic path.

  3. DAMN, JL, Bogside, I did not need that particular delusion corrected! I was under the impression that the folks that came out during the trucker troubles were more numerous. My limited exposure to conservative Canadians is in the comments of the various blogs I read down here.
    There's lots of conservative areas to your south that would welcome right minded northerners. It may not be that long before border guards suddenly find they have other priorities they need to attend to.
    I'm gonna hafta go out to the back yard for some ballistic inertial launcher therapy, OH! There's the bright side...Thanks?
