Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Flight Of The Turd Bird


I kid. I kid!!!

I built the Turd Bird two years ago and hung it up on the wall and never flew it. Today we took her out and sent her on her first maiden flight round the pea patch… and she flew like she was on rails. Scotty The Retard did the honours and two beeps of up elevator and one on the rudder and that’s it - she trimmed right out!

Scott took her round twice and greased a three point landing… When we brought her in the senior Stubfarts went over it and were horrified. Rudder, elevator and ailerons were all loose…the friggin PLA glues are probly not the best to use. I’ll lock them in with thin CA tomorrow. The little .46 is out of tune a bit too but that’s an easy fix too.

There was a lot of my ego riding on the little airplane. I have wanted to build planes since I was a kid. To build one and have it fly well… that was a lidelong bucket list thing for me. 

For now my magnificent flying machine is still in one piece, and all is well at CFB Stubfart. 👍

Capt. Glen Filthie: Air Boss


  1. Yeay! Big win, with some triflings.

  2. Getting them home with no trash bags involved is always good.

  3. https://media.giphy.com/media/P1NcFu3s9s7Nm/giphy.gif

  4. Truly am happy for ya Glen. I like the look too, but then again, i ride rat-bikes and like hot rods and rockabilly :) Have a great one!

  5. Is Scotty wearing socks with sandals?


  6. Congrats man... well done. ALWAYS a plus when you get to do something you've wanted to do since you were a kid.

    Don't forget to pin your Minion Pilot his lil wings tho as that was his first solo amiright?

  7. Never a doubt. Ya had what we in Uncle Sam’s Air Circus would call a Code 2 sortie. A few minor gripes, but it’s still flyable. Load it up! Gas, guns, air to mud stuff and get back in the fight. Because at the end of the day, you can shoot down all the Migs you like, but when you RTB, if there’s a bad guy tank commander sittin in your snack bar, you’ve lost the war….

  8. That falling engine video is from the first (and failed) launch of an Atlas-Centaur rocket that exploded over Cape Canaveral, Florida in 1962. It was used in the film Koyaanisqatsi.
