Monday, August 19, 2024

The Filthie Time Traveller

 It’s the standard set-up for tude jokes all over Blab - “I’d go back in time and tell the founding fathers to re-word the 2nd Amendment as if they were talking to retarded children…”


The cellar dwelling incels and pink haired land whales would go back and assassinate Hitler. My mom would go back and urge her younger self to get an abortion, HAR HAR HAR!!! I read some hook nosed rat faced harridan in the NYT bragging about how she’d go back and personally murder Jesus Christ. Like… your filthy scheming ancestors didn’t do the job good enough…? GAH! 

That’s me and McC helping ourselves to 
priceless treasure during the sacking of Jerusalem…

I’d go back in time and stay there just long enough to fill my pockets with stolen loot!!! I’d cash in! I might stick around for some recreational raping and pillaging…

Or maybe I’d just disappear and go back to the 50’s when the good life was a weekend of mowing the grass, washing the car, and a fridge full of ginger ale and beer…

The current year is far too interesting for my tastes.

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