Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Filthie Match Maker

Wow. Never thunk I’d see the day!!! But - here we are! A woman like this? For the clientele I got???

Bidding starts at one billion dollars.

No cheques! 


  1. I'll offer a dollar, USD, what she did with the meat looks like haggis putrefied. No good white man eats pureed meat unless he is 98 years old, frail and no teeth and has shallowing problems.

    1. Well she should be right up your ally then, Cederq! What a jew you are! Alright, then!!! 500 million….? I’m sure she could be brought round with a firm hand and maybe a horse whip…?

  2. Agreed, but I’ll go a buck an a quarter simply because she can make a sammich and she’s better looking than anything here. Those knife skills need work though.

  3. Looks delish...but the pepperoni and prosciutto she added in to the blender probably put the sandwich a bit on the salty side. I might have added a dill pickle to that

  4. How long will it take to remove the tattoos.
