Friday, August 16, 2024

The Fall Of Man

And this, my friends, marked the beginning of the end of western civilization. Electricity - the miracle of the 20th century - made all women’s work vanish in the blink of an eye. The vital work of the woman in the home was done faster and better by appliances. Bereft of work in the home…women began to seek work in the workplace alongside the men. A cute “battle of the sexes” began in the 60s as they jostled for new positions in the home and workplace. By the 80s it was all out war. Men are programmed to protect women and that programming was corrupted to make men defer to them rather than protect them. Finding themselves in positions they were never meant for, the women became corrupt themselves. Their emotions replaced reason, and they pulled their own nations into wreckage and ruin. One might be tempted to blame women for it all… but ultimately it was the men who were responsible. They created the machines that would supposedly free the women but instead, the machines robbed them of their work, meaning and value in the home. Even today, when record numbers of women are sad, lonely and angry…clueless, stupid men enable and encourage low, arrogant women to do their worst.

Perhaps God will have mercy on us,
but Darwin and Murphy will be paid in full, not a penny more, not a penny less.



  1. "Those he wishes to destroy will become insane first". It shouldn't be much longer now... The only question is what they intend to take down with them.

  2. “The machines robbed them of their work “.
    We bought a small apartment at the beach. We installed a small dishwasher in the kitchen. My MIL and her sister were always criticizing this poor machine: The time it took; the noise etc etc. On day I returned from the pool to find the kitchen flooded. Years later the sisters confessed that they had opened the dishwasher in full cycle and then panicked.

  3. I drove past his home in Maine many years ago. That t-shirt should say "Speak into the Mic". Hyena!!

  4. Another thing that has added to the women no longer needing to be in the home is the creation of kindergarten and pre-school that keeps the little ones out of the house for a good portion of the day.

  5. I see God as pretty much, non interventionist these days. Darwin and Murphy, very interventionist. With DEI assistance, no extra charge, just the standard fee...thank you.

  6. Is that Stephen King’s bitch ass with the t-shirt on?

    1. Yes, that’s him, the washed up old fag. He’s a great writer but I hate him personally so much, I stopped buying his books 100 years ago. Then, because we all swapped books around to save money…I’d wait until someone loaned me a copy of his books to read. The problem was everyone else hated him as much as I did and they wouldn’t buy his books either…

  7. Birth control. That's the final nail. All that free time with hubby at work and they could have willy-nilly sex without risking pregnancy? Oh yeah. That and the fucking commies trying to split up families with wimmen's lib and the disgusting Rinos seeing all that new labor ready to work and pay taxes is what did it in the 60's.
