Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Remember To Act Surprised…


… when Cackula’s proposed VP turns out to be a queer pedophile… it sounds like the  media has decided this guy is “totally non-weird and cuddly”. He’s the geezer behind, in the glasses. Probly has his hand up the trannie’s ass, HAR HAR HAR! The democrats are mostly muppets now…

A quote from Voltaire comes to mind; people that can be made to believe absurdities can easily be made to commit atrocities. Which leads to another interesting media psyop that *may* be in the works: I’ve been seeing a lot of images and vids of the Irish kicking the stuffing out of random immigrants dominating the airwaves. But…I’m starting to see a few suppressed vids of shit-skinned mobs menacing random Irish people with machetes and violence too. Scenes like that *could* be getting carefully left out so that the usual narrative can be constructed. I can’t see details like that being left out unless a psyop is in play…but ya never know. Given the diversity in journalism, incompetence could be at work too.

1 comment:

  1. I bet that old bastard has his hands in his pants trying to "entertain" himself. The deviant at the mic probably has lips tattooed on the back of his neck.
