Saturday, August 31, 2024

Lady Crassea… AGAIN!!!


GAAAHHHH!!! Yesterday the German secret service guys came back and beat me up AGAIN. Then they put a sack over my head and hauled me off to an abandoned warehouse somewhere. I got tied into a chair and got worked over with a lead pipe in one of the bathrooms. But! I didn’t reveal my sources for these awful pics of Lady Crassea, I can take anything those faggy krauts can dish out, standing on my head. They couldn’t make me say nothin!

Then a swanky blonde haired blue eyed dominatrix in an SS outfit came out, obviously an officer of some kind. She paced back and forth in front of me for a bit… then turned on her heel and went into one of the stalls. I heard some loud grunting and farting, and the smell was awful! “Ve haff our own version off ze American ‘water board’, Mr Filthie. Ve call it der ‘Vasserpot’. Only… it isn’t water unt da pot!!!”

“Will you tell us who dese villains are, dat make ze fun off harmless, innocent large ladies? Or vould you like to try a traditional German Vasserpot?”

I started whimpering and gobbling in fright! “Okay!!! Alright!!! Not the Vasserpot!!!!” I was broken!

“It was the Patriactionary!!!” I sobbed.  I spilled my guts.

Don’t judge me, you buggardly tossers!!! We’ll see how brave YOU are when you’re staring down the Vasserpot!!!


We all have our limits…


  1. Glen, if you don't stop looking at that shit, you're gonna go blind...if you're lucky.

  2. Here's the thing, you think it's bad now? When she hits ~40, she's going be 400 lbs or more. I've known several women who were high school/college athletes - mostly swim team. And while they weren't, shall we say, masculine in their young physique they were basically built like fireplugs - stout and no curves. And somewhere along the line their hormones and metabolism changes but they still eat like they're 20 and burning 50k calories every day but they no longer work out, and wham you got Big Bertha.

  3. IT'S crossing ITS legs to hide something. 🍆

  4. While everyone eventually breaks, a little Vasserpot never hurt anyone. And The Vasserpot Special goes for $300/hr in Munich. So I've heard...

  5. Them thights are skull crushers, but what a way to go.

  6. Ilona Maher (I see Will S does the Noticing too) is not my cuppa, but there’s a world of difference between her and that Ricarda Lang person. I didn’t try too hard, but did spend about 5 minutes trying to track down Lang’s height and weight. Which is nowhere to be found. Hah. She is almost certainly obese by the medical definition, and she (They) should have just left it alone. Now she (They) have Striesanded (always with the Streisands!) Lang’s fatness. Search on “fat German MP” and she’s the top two hits. (Yes, yes, the joke writes itself.)

  7. This instantly reminded me of you. Goes with the current post too. (It's a meme, just can't post pictures in comments.)

  8. I truly do not know what to think about this one. Those legs are somewhat enticing, but the top doesn't fit the bottom.

  9. In my best Austin Powers voice; "That's a man baby !" The jawline is male, and the severe lack of "front bumpers" despite being quite obese - it is at least a dyke, maybe a transformer.
