Thursday, August 22, 2024

It’s The Women, Stupid…!

Where has all the maturity in society gone?

A blogger asked this question in all seriousness a couple days back. I will be the first to admit the fella is a nice guy. He’s a serious thinker on occasion too. My experience with him (and others, over on the blog roll) - is that if you disagree with guys like him… you’d better double check your facts and maybe check your moral compass too while you’re at it… Claire Wolfe was like that. She understood the need to reject the trappings of modernity and the need to be practical, think critically, and plan ahead and be prepared - classical female virtues. But lord… the woman was naive to the point of suicide. I’ve talked before about our discussions about the sources of future strife vectors wherein I dropped some truth bombs about blacks. And the geriatric boomers came swarming out of the wood work to be white nights for the black ones. It was all the boilerplate crap from shitlib TV: “endemic racism!!! Blacks aren’t violent and stupid, actually!!! You’re Adolph Hitler!!! The blacks are ALL victims!!!”

The fake virtue signalling was obvious and nauseating; and on some level maybe ol’ Claire felt it too… but truth is truth and she started showing obvious signs of cognitive dissonance. When emotion meets fact and logic - emotion almost always wins. That is the way of it with most modern women and low men. People that emote instead of reasoning will never be capable of reason or rational thought. I liked Claire (still do)…but it was just better to leave. Haven’t been back to her blog since. I don’t waste time arguing with stupid or emotional people much any more… they just bore me now. As  far as I know, she and her followers all plan to avoid the coming social upheavals by moving out into the country and planting gardens. Because we all know that all the bad people live in cities, and we all know living thirty miles out on paved roads will put them beyond the reach of bad people… gah. 

But the question was asked in all seriousness: whatever happened to maturity in our society today? Against my better instincts - I replied. I didn’t understand that my former esteemed blog host really, really didn’t want an honest answer.

It’s the women, stupid.

Now don’t get me wrong - I laugh at farts, ethnic and retard jokes, and play with model airplanes. I am no fount of maturity. I could be full a beans on this. Nor are all women howling lunatics. Only about 30 ~ 40% of ‘em, by my estimate, near as I can tell. Against all observable facts, history or reality… we’ve taken it into our heads that menstrual, menopausal women can make great leaders. 

But… The immaturity, the craziness, the circus freak show of national politics - 90% of all that is driven by women. Women are instinctively fascists and socialists by nature. 25% of them are on psychotropic drugs for depression. 80% of all divorces are driven by unhappy women. Curiously none of them can tell you why they’re unhappy… Despite being more empowered and independent than than any other women  in the history of mankind…women are more angry and lonely than ever before. It is no coincidence that they are the major power base for liberal/democrat politicians today. All their failures, insecurities and self destructive mindsets are amply reflected in their voting habits. Hey - I don’t like any of this either! There are exceptions to every rule - but they ARE the exceptions. My wife is as tough and level headed as they come…but for every woman like her…there’s 10 or 20 like the ladies pictured above. 

When I pointed all this out to my esteemed blog host, he replied that my experience and opinion were mine, that the women in his life were smarter and better leaders than the men, and then he climbed up on to the third rope of this intellectual wrestling ring - and finished me off with a semantic body slam! He started spewing scripture that proved he was right and God Himself was on his side of our disagreement. In short… it was Claire Wolfe all over again. Where has all the maturity gone…? Welp…you’ll probably find it next to your critical thought and objectivity? You’re the one who’s list it - you tell me? But so many childish people are like this: virtue signalling is a valid replacement for reason. Sprinkle that with some self righteousness and misquotes from the Bible - and you are good to go! 


I complimented the man on his virtuousness, withdrew my comments and left. He supposedly has a theological background… but I’m pretty sure the Bible commands men to lead the women and children, not the other way around. But the Bible speaks differently to different people; some of the most despicable grifters and psychotics can justify themselves on misquoted scripture. The old nickel goes that the devil is better at quoting scripture than most priests. It is one of the reasons I won’t do it. I don’t speak for God, He doesn’t talk to me and I’m not going to put words into His mouth. Nor will I tolerate those that do.

Like children, modern women believe that their happiness is predicated on what happens to them. When bad things happen to them it makes them feel like victims and when that happens…it’s all over. I saw it over and over again in my own family. Such women have to blame their unhappiness on anything, anyone, besides themselves. Once you buy into that victim mindset you’re done for.  You’re always going to be damaged goods, you’re always going to be out for vengeance, and you’ll never see that shit happens to everyone. It’s the way you respond to it that makes all the difference. I see that all the time at the little chapel out in the country. Terrible things happen to people and when they do… those women accept the realities, their limitations and deal with it in a Godly way. Most will acknowledge the truths about modern North American women too. They too understand that they are the exceptions and not the rule.

That is only one contributor to the declining state of national maturity. There are others; and maybe we should chat about them some other time. If my suspicions are correct, looming events will soon force all of us to ask uncomfortable questions… and accept the even more uncomfortable truthful answers.

Have yourselves a great Thursday - and thanks for dropping by.



  1. Groups of people who are inwardly focused always drift.

    Groups of people who use absolute, external references do not drift.

    Women are very sensitive to hurting feelings. They pay a lot of attention to what Betty and Carla and D'asia say and feel. THey tend to be very affirming within their group.

    Men...are a lot more likely to tell you that you are full of shit. Truth can be hard.

    Fem-lib convinced many of us that the "feminine model" was the better model. It probably is FOR SOME THINGS. But it causes systemic, additive errors for other things.

    1. I see nothing good about feminism, or at least today’s version of it. In its current form, it’s broken families, led to all kinds of sexual sin, perversion and degeneracy… and it’s getting worse. It’s an attack on womanhood in my opinion, and without good women… wreckage and ruin is our destiny.

  2. Where has all the maturity in society gone?

    subtitled: where did all the adults go?

  3. OK, I recognize 2 out of 3, but who is the ding-a-ling on the right?

    1. A modern female Olympic “athlete”, that won a gold medal in the “games” just a few weeks ago.

  4. Yup, when you accept the mindset of victimhood, you cease to be a mature adult, and that applies to both sides of the gender divide.  Furthermore, nobody can make you happy but yourself. Oh, and for some reason Google decided I could comment today.

    1. Yup. You gotta step up, own it and deal with it. That is what the Bible is for… but some would rather use it to justify pretty lies and evade fights that they actually SHOULD have.

  5. I could not have said it better! Men have to be the leader, no ifs, ands or big butts. Women today, and I will express MOST women today are bat shit crazy and I know bat shit crazy and are not leadership potential in governments or corporations, not even small companies and especially not in the military. I too do not quote scripture and will not listen to it as a counterpoint or argument. Context? there is no context with a Bible quote unless you include the whole passage and the book. I will unholy flirt with a woman, but I will not engage serious debate or argument with one.

    1. Agreed.

      And this is just one liberal social experiment that will fail badly for everyone. There are countless others that will rain down on us when the roof finally caves in.

  6. Good rant, thank you. A lot of good points to discuss. I think i've had reasons similar to yours to think on this topic for the past 9 years. I think an example of the shift is the character of Spock. In the first series, he was all logic and reasoning and that stoic mindset was applauded. Ever since the movies that are to predate the series it seems that Spock is being given the leeway to show little hints of emotion and now people applaud that. I think if one were to look for the tipping point it very well could be when the phrase, "If it feels good, do it," became popular. Thanks for listening.

    1. I noticed that too. As a kid I was a big Trekkie but as the years went by…I began to regard it with more and more contempt.

      George Takei needs to be shot and pissed on.

    2. Yes, but not necessarily in that order.

  7. There's so much to say and most of it is simply repeating what's already been said. But yes, women, pussified men, and lack of consequences are near the top as the three main reasons. Women we've already discussed, but men who lack any real manhood - raised by resentful women and indoctrinated into the modern feminist model are even worse. "Never punch a bully back, that only makes it worse. Women can do anything a man can do, and do it better. White men are evil. All views are valid. Except yours, of course. All cultures are equal. Except ours, which is repressive and needs changing. Minorities are just like us, except oppressed and need help (lots of help, lots of $$) or else they'll never succeed, even though they are always our moral superiors." Any man raised with those standards is worse than a woman in terms of leading.

    And yeah, our country (countries?) has endured decades of this nonsense and still managed to keep going, so the consequences have been minimal so far. But when that day of reckoning arrives, guess who'll they will blame it on! Us, of course. Again.

    1. I might quibble about the consequences being minimal, Don. Perhaps in your world they are? Maybe the same for Claire and my blogger? Lots of people are insulated from the consequences by their money, or their community or their faith. But… if you’re a kid trying to grow up today…and your teachers are lard assed, green haired unmarried harridans that are mad at the world… the consequences are quite dire. What if a woman like that is your mom?

      We have an entire generation of boys growing up in Mom’s basement. If they come out, some faggot will want to sodomize them. Some degenerate woman will want to castrate them. Some niggered import will want to kill them and take their stuff and the authorities will call him a racist if he complains. This is what comes of female leadershit. Another generation, even more messed up than the last… is on the way.

      I think we are in deep trouble right now… but whadda I know?

    2. We know we're in deep trouble, right now! Worse to come, thanks to the GloboHomo Inc. agenda.
