Thursday, August 8, 2024

Hrrrrrrmmmmmmmm… Feasibility Analysis, Gentlemen?


Anya you guys ever raise quail? 

I live in a residential neighborhood and I bet I could raise a few of these and get away with it.  But…jeez…that run looks so small.  And… if I get attached to the filthy little buggers…I’d have to house them differently to winter them. 

Is quail shit acidic like chicken guano? When I was a kid I raised chickens. My grandmother treated chicken shit like gold - she’d cut it with regular soil and all her crazy gardening friends clamoured for it. It was a dicey proposition too - too much guano burned the soil out. But if ya get the mix just right…you can throw an old rubber boot in it and it’ll sprout within the week…

I wonder what the eggs are like…?


  1. The eggs have a very different taste to chicken eggs and you need like 6 to make the same volume as an XL chicken egg.


  2. Bird chit is acidic regardless of species...Dolopril mixed in will balance out the PH and add in some other needed nutes. Made the dewp plants huuuge!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. Yup - I think Gramma was doing stuff like that too…

  3. I have been looking into "raising-quail" myself, as we have a small backyard. This video kept me intrigued and "raising-quail" the whole time. - you're welcome.

    1. Thanks, A! Nice a ya to drop by…👍

  4. If you search YouTube for - She Raises & Sells Pastured Quail in Asheville (Wild Way Farm) - I'm sure you'll find yourself "raising quail" too. You're welcome.

  5. Raise hell, not quail.

  6. We have them all over. I leave a bird block out for them. They also like bananas. They are thriving the last few months since something unfortunate happened to the roadrunners who love baby quail.
