Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Got a half hour on the sticks today. It was kinda windy and I don’t get it at all; on a calm day my landings are bouncy and foolish…but today with winds and gusts I greased them all with beautiful 3 pointers.

Fall is going to be on us soon. I had to dodge geese today at CFB Stubfart…those ignorant SOBs fear NOTHING. Theygo right over the runway like they own it. Sometimes in the early morn ya gotta chase them off it too. The hornets are starting to get very aggressive too.

Leaves will blow on the wind all too soon. But it has been a wonderful summer…😞


  1. Flying into the wind increases relative velocity over the wings, allowing slower landing speeds and more response from the control surfaces


    1. Sure but... I had side gusts too... the wind changed directions three times while I was in the air...

  2. GF: I'm somewhat jealous of your RC adventures, but I also realize that my chances of doing any myself again are slim to none. I am also in the painful process of weeding through a lifetime's accumulation of "stuff", and one item I have to get rid of is an old OS Max .60 engine that I ran for several years way back in the '70's. It's been in storage ever since, and the residual castor oil has long since fossilized into stone, and it is totally seized up. If you want a winter project and would dump it into Varsol for a week or two, I would much rather send it to you over just sending it out to the landfill.
    Send me an email on my sign-in account here, and we'll set up a snail mail address. If you'd rather call or txt me, Cederq has my phone number.

    1. I am interested in that, Greg! My email is


      If you want to send it collect to me here in AB... I'd be happy to soak it in methanol and see if we can't get it running again.

    2. I have emailed the address above. If you're not seeing it, check a spam filter. Greg.
