Monday, August 19, 2024

From Those That Live In A Pod…

 When I was still consuming fictional novels it was common for authors in those days to research the backgrounds required for the stories they were about to tell. The stories might all still be BS… but the settings and surroundings would be at least plausible. 

I see it all the time. It’s supposedly 30 below outside and the guys are in toques and sweaters and the gals are wearing swanky thin leather Italian jackets, and no lid at all because it would mess up their hair. The denizens of Hollywood and the big southern cities didn’t know what snow and cold was.

Nowadays a growing majority of them don’t know what humanity is…

1 comment:

  1. "gals are wearing swanky thin leather Italian jackets, and no lid at all because it would mess up their hair"

    Saw that and less walking out of the mall (when I worked retail) mid-winter central Ohio (temp in mid 20's or less, yes Fahrenheit ya wankers) going "Fu-uu--uu-k it's co-c-cold" hugging themselves and their shear blouse. Young gals. Can't cover the body ya know, advertising and shit.
