Thursday, August 8, 2024

Friday Wagon Burner

 Hrrrrrmmmmmm. This specimen  appears to be 13 - 20. I dunno what it is with natives but they seem to be genetically inclined to hit The Wall in their early 20’s, generally speaking. And when they hit…they hit it HARD.  I’ve only ever met a few in passing and from what I heard… they led hard lives too. One of the ones I knew turned up dead in Whitehorse a couple years later. Her killer was never found.

It was quite a thing up here in Canada awhile back. A lot of native women were mysteriously disappearing  and the Usual Suspects started thinking eeeeeeeeevil white men were abducting them, doing their worst, and getting away with it because they were white and nobody gives a hoot about some missing squaw because RACISM!!!

It never went anywhere and one day they just stopped bitching about it. I strongly suspect that they found out that the women started getting involved with drugs, and scabby, violent and stupid native men… and nature took its course…?  The whole moral panic subsided and then the Residential School Genocide thing got started. We were supposed to believe that a bunch of catholic clergymen and nuns mass murdered native school children for fun and profit back n the beginning of the last century. Of course that was a hoax too.  

I avoid natives. I don’t care for the drama at my age.


  1. I remember watching Little Big Man and thinking "Boy, that Injun wife of his sure is purdy for a red gal". Only much later did I find out they used Korean and Japanese women to play the indian women in movies back then cause all the natives were ugly as sin.

    We don't get a whole lotta contact with the few remaining natives in my region of Texas, but the Mexican mammas who are more Mex than Spanish are much the same - cute around the age of 12, then BAM they're 22, look 52, face like brick wall, 4'10" tall, fat and 12 kids tagging along behind them.

    Like a lot of other races, you gotta get at least 50% white blood to look good. See Halle Berry for example.

  2. The previous govt did a multi year report and study on all the native women murdered. The report showed that 90+% of the women murdered were committed by native men. Usually they were related to the victims.
    Then turdeau came in and the rewrote the report and the current one says its racism is the route cause. Evidently white people being successful makes native men feel inadequate and go on killing sprees of their wonen.


  3. She'd be safer on a box of butter. Just sayin'....
    - WDS

  4. Yeah, she's about as Indian as Elizabeth Warren.

  5. She's certainly a beauty, maybe she's got first Nation blood. First compared to us.
