Saturday, August 10, 2024

DO It!!!



Update - sorry about the link! It was a link to an article about that kippered faggot police chief in Britain that was threatening to extradite Americans and prosecute the in the UK - for social media poasts he didn’t like.

Apparently Elon pooped his pants in rage and suspended their account! I haven’t been able to fact check this so take it with a couple grains of salt.


  1. Page isn't working, but there is a scrawny line of text. I guess most of us have seen the threat. Yeah, IDK what I'd need to say or where to post it,, but, Do it!

  2. I get an "Access Denied" message - but the URL leads to the Pommie monkey bastard making threats to the entire world on the internet. Good K3K

  3. In 'the business', we call this 'window dressing'.

    This stupid fuck is punching WAY above his weight class and he knows it. He is well aware he cannot do a damn thing beyond his borders, or even outside of his municipality. As with all window dressing, he's betting that people out there are more ignorant of how things work than he is full of shit.

    1. It’s gotta be something like that, JL. The other possibility is that he’s a loose cannon, the kind of guy that starts fights he can’t win, alienates his subordinates and embarrasses his management. Either way they need to put a sock in him…

  4. It almost makes me want to sign up for social media so I can tell him to go fuck his mother because I wouldn’t.


    1. I’m betting he’s hearing a lot of that nowadays Fitty..

  5. I bet I got a narrow-minded German Shepherd that can address the error of his decisions.

  6. Bring it, you scurvy lime juicer.

  7. I do have the URL on BN if you can't see it here. I saw that and my first thought(don't have too many of those) was fuck you and the king you fellate on a regular basis.

  8. I was able to open the article on FireFox. All I gotta say to the Limey cop asshole is FU. and by the way keep up the good fight to keep the invaders out my Brit friends. Keep this in mind: "we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields".

  9. go get em Rocketman !
