Saturday, August 3, 2024

CFB Stubfart Airfield: Test Pilots


It will do its maiden flight within the next 72 hours. Possibly today.
Gawd - I hope it flies.


  1. Need something to keep the ski tips up just a bit. There’s abetter than even chance airload will pull the tip down if the AOA is nose down. A small spring run from the tip to the top of the gear leg should do it. Just relaxed when weight is off & a slight extension when it’s on. Shouldn’t need a rotation limiter at the aft end that way; the relaxed spring will act as a limiter under airload compression. Hate to see all that work end up on it’s back cause a ski top caught.

  2. Airplanes always fly.
    Landings are a different story...

  3. Hey Filthie, is that your evening attire hanging up in pic 1? (The black and white outfit)
