Thursday, August 29, 2024




  1. I ask everyone to raise a glass in memory of a friend of mine RC, this is the anniversary of his death in 2017. He was murdered by a syrian refugee turdeau brought over. The refugee told the judge that if he was imprisoned awaiting trial his wife and kids would starve as they had no other male relatives to escort them out if the house.

    He then ran back to syria when the judge let him be free awaiting trial. He left his wife and accursed spawn behind and last I heard they are still here in welfare

  2. I used to have no fear of heights, but after some years of not monkeying around in trees, just looking at pictures like that gives me butterflies.
    Last year, we thought we lost our cat to some predator. On day 5, the wife and I both thought we heard a faint meow, "somewhere over there". Our property is a 30 year old stump farm, so covered in 50 to 80 foot trees. We found Ellis (LS, for Little Shit, as a troubled yoot) about 80 yards down the drive way, 50 feet up, hanging out in a triple fork. After not doing any pro climbing for 8 years, it was very comical for the wife and I, wrestling to get my climbing saddle buckle to the first hole in the belt, the team effort required pliers and some serious gut sucking. Before success, we were both on the ground, we were laughing so hard. ANYWAY, to make a long story longer, it was a real chore in fighting those raging butterflies to get my fat ass up the tree, yeah, I still have ALL my gear. 50 feet up, had to trim some branches, so hard hat, gloves, climbing gear, chain saw, climbing line, bag for cat. Mission successful. Should have taken 10 minutes, took over an hour (OH, forgot my spurs, hike back to the shop, Oh, we need some pliers, hike back to the shop). A great time was had by all, even the cat was grateful.
    With the mission a success and no casualties, I kicked back on the porch and had a much deserved adult beverage. We still laugh at the "run up" to the rescue. Life is good in our little piece of paradise.
