Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Scorned Woman


Awww!!! Poor Tulsi!!!
She’s on a gubbimint watch list now!!! 

The great (((American Kabuki Theatre Corp))) has new morality play on, starring an attractive, well spoken middle aged lady who actually presents herself with some gravitas - unlike the usual cast and characters of Clown World. No Crazy Eyes, no consorting with satanists and lunatics, no word salads, no obvious bouts of insincerity and feeble attempts at cinematic emotional manipulation … but she’s setting my bush radar right off. 

So she’s up on stage, delivering her lines (as opposed to just reading them as most liberal talking heads do) and I gotta admit…she looks pretty good doing it. She seems to believe what she’s saying. Maybe she does. If I have her story right, she’s a patriot, supposedly a squaddie and a vet, who deployed to the sandbox and came back…and still somehow managed to be a democrat afterward. She had political aspirations in the Donk regime, she had to know what those guys are all about… and she’s a gun grabber too. If I understand the narrative being crafted as we speak… I’m supposed to feel sorry for her as her rights and freedoms abused and destroyed…even though, not that long ago, she’d have done the same to gun owners in a heart beat.

The problem with dissident politics is that too much of the red pill produces side effects; paranoia is the big one, and I suffer from it the most. When I get hoodwinked by narratives and misinformation it is when I tell myself to stop being paranoid. I’m sure you’ll forgive me if I pass on white-knighting for this one. Caution and judgement is the order of the day. If you lie down with dogs once, it’s entirely possible you’ll do it again. The fleas she wanted to lay down with rejected her. 

So what exactly IS Tulsi? An agent of evil and Globohomo? A reformed woman, wronged by the (((Establishment)))? A harmless performance artist, a dancing monkey begging for coins, subscriptions and likes on JewTube?

I think she’s a distraction. 

But whadda I know? You probly know more about it than I do!

Have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping in!



  1. She's ALL that and MOAR! I want to like her, she's SO appealing compared to the rainbow haired harpies. You're right, she can't be trusted.

    1. Yep… that grey streak in her hair hints at lunacy.

  2. She changed sides to be a trojan horse.


    1. Well…I kinda think she’s finished in politics. Betrayal only works one way in modern western politics. You can flip on the right and go left and maybe keep your job… but if you flip on the left and go right….you’re done…

  3. No one stays in politics as long as she has without "their" approval.
    No one.

    1. I wonder what she did to alienate them, DMM? The Donk regime will literally promote and run child molesters and human vegetables.

  4. She is a WEF young global leader. I saw it on the WEF pages when she first came to prominence on Joe Rogan's podcast. I just looked her up now and - (((surprise surprise))) - there is only one link with her on it now - Lesson learned - I'll have to archive everything in future otherwise if it's not on the first page of google it doesn't exist.

    They have scrubbed her bio from their website. Guess the WEF have learned how dumb that was at last.

    I said here before - she's the eye-candy for normal, heterosexual men in the same way Bill Clinton on his saxophone was uncut crack for the girl-power vote. Be honest, if she gave you the come-hither look with some cleavage showing, most blokes would be overpowered by the little head - especially compared to the utterly moronic Kum-ala & Richard Potato Biden.

    Sadly, chances are we are toast because of Tulsi. If I was the dumbocrat leadershit, I'd replace Kum-ala with Tulsi any moment now.

    1. I wouldn’t do her - but as I said… she sets off my internal alarms.

  5. She's a politician, ergo: she's part of the problem because even if she isn't contributing to it, she sure as hell won't do anything to fix it outside the usual handwringing and bullshittery. She'll take her money and run, leaving everyone else in a lurch. Just like the rest of them.

    1. Agreed. She’s obviously got a triple digit IQ unlike the rest of them… why did they reject her?

  6. She did at one point address people's concerns about previous support of gun control. Like you, I'd like to believe her (just like I wanted to believe Trump would really build thar wall), but I remember when she was listed on the WEF website as one of their young leaders. She has never addressed her WEF ties, and for that she can't be trusted.
