Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Amphibious Brotherhood Of Blab



  1. I pretty much gave up on Blab and Poast after about 4 months of trying to make some sense of it. Oh sure, there's the occasional nugget of (fool's) gold in there, but more often than not just BS arguing back and forth. Maybe it was the people I was following, but after that short experiment I'm back to just reading blogs and making the occasional comment. Daily trips to Gab were just downright discouraging and a waste of time for me.

    1. Agreed to all, Don. Gab is absolutely toxic…but so is chemo.

      One of the few good things about Blab was that it forces brevity. If you have something witty or smart to say on that platform…you had to be smart enough to say it fast, with a spartan economy of words. And nothing tickles my funny bone more than seeing self important virtue signalling dads bags popped like cheap balloons. Fool’s gold, perhaps… but it still shines.

  2. That grunt isn't qualified to be on that AFV!

    Chutes Magoo
