Monday, July 1, 2024

Paranoia Will Destroy Ya


I was afraid of this. After Covid…nobody trusts the medicos or their “vaccines”. Nor should they, IMHO. Those a-holes were ready to go Fourth Reich with concentration camps, snitch lines, informants - the works! They’ll do it again in a heartbeat too, emboldened by the first caper they got away with… 

Look, folks - I get it. I don’t trust those chit heels either…but we gotta be smart about this. There is still a real risk, a clear and present danger posed by disease. You don’t want to get caught with your pants down. How do you know a given scare is a real pandemic or a scam?

There is no magic to pandemics. They propagate in simple mathematical exponential progression and can be easily graphed. There are two tip offs: inconsistent mortality and transmission stats. If you recall, depending where you lived - Covid stats were all over the place. In Europe EVERYONE was dying except for Sweden where rational adults weren’t seeing any real excess deaths at all. In a real pandemic, the bugs propagate as per that exponential equation that will accurately predict the number of deaths within any sample population to +/- 3%, 19 times out of 20. It’s elementary grade 12 statistics. If they don’t level out and begin lining up with some kind of consistency - then the game is afoot.

And no, masks won’t even slow a virus down, nor will social distancing. Anyone who says they do is an idiot with no idea what they’re talking about. 

Another good idea is to learn how to use Alt Tech. Censorship and gatekeepers are a big problem for us these days and you don’t want them keeping the facts and truth away from you. 


  1. No...this isn't worth freaking out over, any more than anything else these alarmist jagoffs have gone chicken little over in a grab for power. If you don't wanna get sick? Simple. Don't live like a pig. Wash your hands and keep clean, get plenty of rest and exercise, and eat right. Cops, firefighters, and medics have been doing this for decades and have't died, even after dealing with people in places that are so disgusting, I barely know words to describe them.

    1. Yup, this one is just an effort to start another panic and everyone seems to be getting it. But…I know people that still run around in masks. It’s like the Covid panic filled a certain part missing from their souls or something…

  2. There are no longer any authorities of any kind, much less the medical kind. Your only defense now is to maintain your health and immune system, and stay away from crowds.

    1. Yup. We can no longer trust anything they say without fact checking it first….

  3. I agree with Fido AND JL.

    NONE of the "authorities" can be trusted anymore, and they brought this on themselves!!!

    If you DON'T want to get sick, DON'T neglect your health, and DON'T live like a pig! A big part of the problem where I live is the HUGE population of 3rd Worlders invited in by Newsom, Biden, and Obama. Many of these people don't have even a nodding acquaintance with soap and water, especially after using the log of ease. We had a guy from India where I work who NEVER washed his hands after taking a dump. One of my coworkers had his fill of watching this and taped a paper inside the stall saying, roughly, that in this country we WASH our hands after taking a dump. He was called on the carpet for doing this and was told he was "Insensitive to the cultural diversity of the company." He had to take down the papers from the stalls and PUBLICALLY apologize to the shithanded employee! In short, we're on our own if we want to stay out off the hospital and off the slab. WASH YOUR HANDS... A LOT! Carry hand sanitizer for use after handling ANYTHING touched by the horde. Prime suspects for transmission are things like the pushbars on doors and shopping carts. Another big one is... gas pump nozzles... A sick person may not stop at the grocery store, but will have no choice but to stop for gas if the tank is dry. And, as Ol' Remus always said, "Stay away from crowds..."

    1. For bacterials - yeah, intense hygiene will prevent a lot of it. For the virals, the only thing that works 100% is a space suit.

      I remember a case years ago where some fuggin pajeet got fired from her job at a restaurant and the clowns in the human rights commission went after them and got her job back…

    2. So you better add "cook you own food" to the list, cause there have been more than a few times I got a mild to moderate case of food poisoning after eating delivery.

  4. Social distancing works if you do it right. Stay at least 1km from people outside your family.

    Its not just doctors, RCMP in our town were driving around on thanksgiving and looking for extra vehicles in peoples driveways. Then knocking on your door to ensure compliance with the retard rules


    1. Yep. And you stay home, your kids stay home, and nobody goes anywhere there might be contagion. That means EVERYTHING shuts down…and someone in your family will still get it anyway, with the airborne stuff…

    2. Gotta train the whole family: Do not answer the door. Ever. For any reason.... and... KEEP IT LOCKED 24/7

      Crooks will break in, but they're easier to deal with than cops, and... barring a warrant, locked doors and gates work on cops... at the moment. But do have a backup plan.

  5. Where I used to work (big airplane co.) the managers were the worst and they'd just glare at you if you noticed. Thats alright. I was an inspector and got some damned good licks in.

    1. Careful, some of your compadres have had a rather short prognosis of late...
