Thursday, July 25, 2024

Memory Lane: Road Closed

Jeez that looks familiar… do any of you recognize it from your toy boxes? For me… that looks like it goes back half a century or so…😂


  1. It's plastic, so that severely limits how old it can be....

  2. I had Tinkertoy back when things were better.

    Chutes Magoo

  3. When I was a kid, "Made in Japan" meant cheap, flimsy junk. Then along came Honda, Sony,, and completely upended that idea.
    The time the service engineers were installing our robotics line at the lab, I asked every one of them if they'd had an Erector Set as a kid. Eleven out of twelve said "of course". The one who didn't said "No, but I was into model rockets instead."

    1. Not a nony. Forgot to tag my comment. Greg

  4. Google Lens says that is a Gobot Command center

  5. I don't recognize this specific one but it looks like a premo version of stuff I wanted circa 1976. This isn't micronauts probably but reminds me of it (I do remember enjoying micronauts in 5th grade)

  6. Coolest toy I had was an all metal, battery operated airplane with a clear top. The lights came on and the stew would move fwd and aft.

  7. I remember this. I bought one at a garage sale for a couple bucks way back in the mid 80s when I was a wee lad. Not sure what it was for (probably gobots or transformers) but it made a great base for my GI Joes.
