Thursday, July 4, 2024

Gunt: If I Gotta Look At It, So Do You

 Whenever I’m at Mom’s I get my list of personal faults and failures updated and it never fails. I inherited the family fat gene and regardless of all my excuses…I know I gotta drop some weight. But one day she was ripping on me for my displacement (measured in metric tons) and I just shut her right down. “How about we talk about your gut, Mom? Or should we say, your gunt…?” 

I am back on the shit list again…😞

Funny how that doesn’t apply to us guys, eh!

Maybe it’s for the best…

Errrr… the usual insensitive wanks and retards are warned in advance: 
No fat-shaming will be permitted on this blog!
This is a safe place!
where body positivity is strictly enforced!!


  1. I positively have a body, a body that took most of my life to attain.

  2. My mom is fat, her mom was fat, her mom's father was fat, his father and mother were fat.

    All of them lived into their 90's, except for mom, who's still alive somewhere around 96.

    I'm fat.

    Looking forward to being fat and cranky well into my 90's, unless someone shivs me for being a smart-ass.

  3. Meal replacement drinks, Filthie…. I recommend Irish coffee. It covers the four important food groups: fat, caffiene, alcohol & sugar. What otyer diet does that?

  4. Yer ma sounds like a real peach, Glen. She'd probably get along great with my old man, if he ain't already in hell polishing the devil's hammer (despite all the bible thumping he got up to in his latter days).
