Thursday, July 11, 2024

Friday Ramble: Dawg Patrol

Well it’s high summer here in Alberta. We’ll be picking the odd berries and saskatoons soon. The heat is incredible… so we start walking early in the morn while it’s still cool. Yesterday was a mid range patrol so we went out extra early… and the times…they are a changin’ round here. Little things, but noticeable none the less.

Yeah… no.

I saw this one up on the mail box in Snob Enclave across the tracks. I live on the wrong side of them, in a hovel with my fellow working class dirt people. Over there… well… it’s an affluent white retirement neighborhood. Everywhere there’s these idiotic signs on the immaculate lawns - with pic of a dawg in a hunch that say “NO POOPING OR PEEING”. In the driveways there’s high end sports and luxury cars, everyone has a three car garage, a hot tub out back… and they want me to volunteer to mow their yards for free. Riiiiiiight.

On the other side of the mailbox we see evidence that the intrepid pakies and chinks that run Canada Poast are on the ball:

I’d open that one with rubber gloves
if I were you…

So…they’re throwing packages on the ground beside the mail box? Where passing stubfarts n’ retards dawgs can pee on it? Why risk irate home owners, porch pirates? You can steal right from the mailbox now!


But…I am not going to fedpoast about those unionized pooch screwing poastal slugs… saddle up Niglet! Move out!!! Dawg Island is our next waypoint!  But… what is this on the bridge across the moat?

I guess we know what the Hawaiian Pizza
is like at Jack’s Bar And Grille now…
And thanks to Pete F for taking the chance on it
and sparing the rest of us!
He took a bullet for the team once again!

Who’da thunk pineapple on pizza would produce a reaction like that?  Maybe ya just need a manlier constitution to handle it? I will order an extra large as soon as Jack opens later today.  

The morning sun breaks over Dawg Island. There are so many shades and memories here. Mort and Macey… Pop and his dawg, Sam… about six or seven years ago, God stuck His leg out and tripped me into a yellow snow bank here. I didn’t see Him… but I think I saw His foot, and I certainly did see the beauty of His works, as if for the first time. Macey tried to console me here a hundred years ago when my family fell apart. Today… it’s me, Hannah and the echoes…

And perhaps it’s just another park, just like any other! Onward! I gotta move or I’ll take root and start wool gathering…

The Niglet points out that the first leaves are starting to fall…

Oh gimme a fuggin break! Leaves?!? Already?!? FFS…!!!🤬 

This is new…! Hrrrrrrrmmmm… it’s a water tap plugged into a fire hydrant so ramblers can fill their water bottles. Hmmmmpppfpffff! I carry my water bottles on extended patrols and don’t know what to make of it. Maybe the more elderly seniors will use it? I wonder how many billions of tax dollars that cost? 


And that, my friends, is the morning for the intrepid stubfarts and their dawgs. We do more by 9:00 am than a green bean fuggin Marine! HAR! 

For you kids and even you stubfarts that managed to stay relevant and essential… I hope your work day is short, and your load is light. If you can tomorrow… get up early and go out and see the beauty - and the minkeyshines - that can often be found just around the corner and down the street. Do it while you can, for all too soon the snow will be flying again.




  1. I'm up at 4:45, at site by 6 and back at camp around 18:30, yesterday was much better working environment as we only hit 27 vs the 36 the day before.

    Production is down this week because of the heat, Glenn why don't you round up a couple friends and come help us out. I'm sure with enough beans you could get our gas production back up.


  2. If handling Pineapple on pizza is the mark of a manly man, then I am the manliest.
    Tomorrow I'll follow your advice and get my ass out and moving early. Missed it by hours today.
