Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Back When I Was A Kid…


When I was a kid my books n’ binders were covered in scrawled swastikas and SS thunderbolts, poorly scribbled Stuka dive bombers along with the usual childish crap. The German Nazi stuff meant nothing to us, it was just a great way to give the adults the finger and watch them flip out in rage. And - the idiot in this missive has just reinforced the attitudes in these kids that she claims to abhor. 

The jewish blood dancing on the holocaust seems to have changed over the years. It really is bizarre when you think about it… it used to be understood that the Allies rescued the jews from the camps in WW2. Nowadays, every second Schmuely, Hymie and Reuven blames white Christian conservatives for it! HAR HAR HAR!!! And don’t you DARE try to set them straight or deny their ancestor’s blood on your hands, you anti-semite!!! 

Time flies, and times change…


  1. Every kid knew what a "Stuka" and a "Luger" and a "Panzer tank" was and they were cool and sinister and potent. Of course, that was only twenty-years after WWII ended, about the same amount of time that now separates us from 9/11/2001.

    I agree with you about the "it is a normal phase". I also think that it is the teacher's job to say what normie-adults believe even if it validates their pushing-away from authoritarian, parent/child relationships.

    If they don't hear it from the teacher where are they going to learn it? Video games?

    1. Well I’m funny that way, Joe. I’d be happy if those pooch screwing union slobs taught the kids how to simply read and write.

  2. So I'm 58 and most of my schooling occurred in the 70's to early 80's. I don't remember ever studying about the hohocaust in school. In fact, most history classes seemed to stop shortly after the Civil War, almost as if nothing important happened within the past 100 years of so. I think we may have discussed the great depression once or twice, but never in any great detail. So why are they teaching it now?

    And yeah, scribblings included swastikas, upside down stars for the cool "satanic" stuff, Ozzy music quotes, etc. Anything to tweak the adults in the room.

    Methinks the jews are over-playing their hand yet again.

    1. I think letting jews control the holocaust narrative has led to all kinds of revisionist history, Don. I did not become an anti-semite willingly…it took a deep dive and a good 40 hours of study to do that. I am not a holocaust denier…but I question it.

      I am now an avowed antisemite. When they tried to get the New Testament banned in schools and churches because it’s antisemite I just packed it in. They’ve been kicked out of every nation they settled in and it’s not hard to see why. Their involvement in the Gaza and the ‘Kraine are criminal. To hell with them, I say. They’re on their own, I will have no dealings with them if I can help it.

    2. Trump wants to initiate the death penalty for "antisemitism" https://www.bitchute.com/video/OLrTpfg8hE88

    3. Prior to cesspools like Gab, I did some noticing. Not a lot, but some. Hell, just reading the Old Testament stories in the Bible was enough to make me dislike the ancient jews, much less the modern ones. After I entered some dark holes in the world wide web of sports, I did a LOT MORE NOTICING. Now I notice things everywhere I look. I'm starting to worry that I notice too much. I have to restrain myself as I often find myself in Church company with people who literally cry tears as they pray for the Lord's protection of our greatest ally.

      I'm not antisemitic, I'm just HOLY SHIT THAT'S A TON OF FUCKING COINCIDENCES type of guy. Which I guess makes me an antisemite. Or something.

    4. During my schooling (70's and VERY early 80's) I received not a single word of teaching about the holocaust. Until 1978 in my creative writing class. She showed us the film "Night and Fog". It was in Italian with French subtitles and she translated the French. Absolutely changed my outlook. I think she got in trouble for showing us because the images were VERY graphic. Scenes of walking skeletons and piles of emaciated bodies. Even if Jews aren't my favorite people (I had a Jewish roommate who epitomized EVERY stereotype imaginable. Argued over a SINGLE PENNY on the phone bill (I flipped him a nickel and said, "Here's 5 months advance." He kept the nickel. When he moved out he took all the toilet paper, including the partial roll next to the toilet since "He paid for it.") But that kind of shit shouldn't happen to ANYONE for ANY reason.

    5. I used to think the same, Brew. But…look what they’re doing in Gaza. Look at their involvement in the ‘Kraine. Every week there is some rat faced jewish cnut named Rebecca or Sarah in the NYT or WaPo writing about cancelling the white race, or preaching antiwhite hatred. I’m not about to make soap out of them… but I understand the people that will and I’m not sticking my neck out for them. I can write off nickels, half rolls of TP and little things too… but I have big problems with them giving me lectures about genocide when they’re snuggling up real live Nazis like they have in the Kraine.

      They are God’s problem, not mine.

    6. Brewvet - almost every modern war since the 1800's has included "camps". And most if not all camps have been teetering on the edge of awful. I assume prior to the concept of camps, mass prisoners were either killed out of hand or sold into slavery. Some of the Civil War camps were beyond horrible with tens of thousands of soldiers dying of starvation and disease. The Jap camps we had in WWII were probably Hilton 5-star in comparison, but still camps. That's simply a fact of life - if you have a large non-native and potentially hostile people within your territory during a war - what the hell else are you supposed to do? The jews were known to be commie sympathizers and extremely active in Russia, so there are some reasons there for rounding them up. At least as valid as FDR rounding up the Japs here in the USA. If we ignore the propaganda and focus on what pretty much every country did during wartime conditions, it puts some of it into perspective. At least in my mind.

      And yeah, back in the 70's/80's, jew propaganda hadn't yet included the hohocaust into grade school/high school curriculums. Funny how as the event gets older and older, it still fails to fade into history. Somehow it seems to get more airtime now than ever before.

  3. Wait - a black kid praised Hitler?

    B-b-b-but only cis White males do things like that!

  4. For every statue of a Civil War leader torn down, a new Holohoax museum is built.
