Tuesday, July 2, 2024

American Dream: Dunno What Went Wrong…?


What went wrong…?
Maybe it was you that went wrong, you fat old happy retards!

I’ve always hated Neil Young - that old faggot came up here to crap all over the
oil sands and pose as the environmental avenger. 
I just loved it when he tried to get Joe Rogan cancelled and threatened to pull his
music off Spotify… and they told the old bastard
to take his music and FOAD.
Joe brought in orders of magnitude more revenue than Neil did.

There is nothing new under the sun, and today’s politics 
are much like they’ve probly always been.


  1. "Hope Neil Young will remember
    Southern Man don't need him around
    ~~L. Skynard

  2. Girlfriend won tickets from a radio station to see them decades ago and we even got to go backstage. Stills & Nash were pretty cool, Graham was half lit and Neil Young smelled like he hadn't bathed in months and he was obnoxious as hell. Sometimes it's better NOT to meet your heros.

    1. Yeah I think Neil probably hit the drugs too hard in his youth. There’s something seriously wrong with him for sure…

  3. I remember a meme from the time Neil pulled his music off of Spotify. It still makes me chuckle.
    Everyone under 30: "Who's Neil Young?"
    Everyone age 31 - 60: "Didn't realize old Neil was still alive"
    Everyone 61+: "What's Spotify?"

  4. That's why I vote with ma dolla! It's the only viable way out of the right/left corporate paradigm. When you do the exact opposite that .gov orders, life aint so bad...oh, never give up the means to protect yourself! Stay gray!

    Chutes Magoo
