Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Saturday Visit With Aunty Semitism…


Hrrrrrrmmmmm: The old Soviet Union dies, led by a bunch of corrupt, addled old geezers. 

Russia descends into years of misrule, poverty and squalor.

Our best allies in the world are run out of the country and it’s finances on rails. Eeeeeevil Putler wages a war against the old corrupt oligarchs, money changers and carpet baggers eliminating his earnest and honest political rivals.

The Russian economy surges. No unemployment, rising standards of living, becomes the third strongest economy and the ruble becomes the third strongest economy - despite a costly hot war with NATO. 

Russia foolishly declares war on the Kraine for no good reason, and will crash and burn any day now after crippling sanctions and a lost war with the Kraine…


  1. The best for the US would be for their interference in the elections. The uniparty can all suck piss.

  2. I love your insights Glen. Humorous, insightful and entertaining.
    Thank you! Spiro
