Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Filthie Critic: The Boys - Should I Be Offended?


Of all the pervs and homocidal psychopaths 
on the show - this guy is the worst!
This cretin is now my favourite superhero!

Well I guess it’s gone a couple seasons now and the producers are trying to decide whether to eff it up or not at this point. I gave up on the superhero movies ages ago. I think I got off that wagon with the last of the old Spider-Man movies. It was a hoot, watching Michael Buble and his big band doing the Spider-Man theme, having all the women screaming in chicken-headed terror when the monsters showed up, the gags were all clean and actually funny. Then the faggotry, girl power and diversity got revved up and I just lost interest.

Then these guys showed up on Prime… and I was lost. The super heroes on The Boys are all fakes, phonies and narcissists with serious mental problems. Most of them are sexual perverts and they all work for a Gobohomo-esque corporation that regularly kills people for fun and profit. The humour is so dirty, nasty and gross that the wife won’t watch it. She thinks I’m a retard for watching it and she’s probably right! HAR HAR HAR!!!


Bottom line on that is if ya have subhuman IQ as I do…you might enjoy it. It really drives home how bad television programming is though… when ya think that The Boys is good TV. It is compared to the rest of the dreck out there… but it’s by no means a classic. 

This season it seems they might be slipping into the usual shitlib message fiction - the smartest superhero in the world this year is a fat ugly negress. The bad guys do evil by duping the retarded middle class FOWGs, patriots, Christians, and conservative normies into supporting their cause. The good guys are NYFC shitlibs, wahmen, queers, jews, blacks and all the other usual leftist turd gobblers. But… the messaging itself is funny… It’s so badly done I almost suspect it’s part of the running gag that the show is. I heard it’s produced entirely by women but such subtle humour like that is typically beyond women…

This version of Aquaman not only talks to marine life - 
he sodomizes it too…!

I dunno how much longer I’ll watch it. There comes a point where being dirty and crass stops being funny and it starts to get boring and repetitive. I think that is a skill or ability that Hollywood needs to re-learn: the ability to end a show or a series artfully. Instead, they drag these franchises out, trying to wring every last nickel out of them…and they become unwatchable dreck. I hear the latest Star Wars saga is a treatise on strong powerful black female communist lesbians in outer space… no, I’m not kidding…

Y’know, I have no sympathy for Disney. Awhile back they bowed to the inevitable - they had to either stop with the woke crap… or go broke. I seem to recall that they even announced a new mission statement to return to family friendly and wholesome entertainment. And then they drop this turd…? I stopped watching Star Wars ages ago too.

Should I be offended by my TV? Or has it just gotten so bad that I should get up and go play outside…?


  1. Going and playing outside is never a bad option.

  2. I confess, I fucking love The Boys. Even bought some of the comics and read them, and DAMN they are much much darker than the show ever was. If anything, the show is family friendly compared to the comics.

    But this last season? Turning Frenchie into a fag? Why? Where the hell did that story line come from? I can't quite quit, but that's the beginning of the end, I think. And yeah, a real superman would be a pyscho murdering nightmare in real life.

    There's so little to watch anymore. And finding something both the wife and I agree on? Damn near impossible. We finally settle on watching reruns of sitcoms from the 60's and 70's in lieu of anything better. Once she falls asleep, I switch over to something way more retarded like the Boys. And I gave up on Star Wars after the first Disney reboot where they killed Han. Stupid stupid show. Holy shit was it bad.

  3. DC is on point. The comic version of The Boys, like most of Garth Ennis's work (notably his adult themed renditions of The Punisher and Nick Fury), is a masterpiece. The show kind of fucked it up and missed the point of the book (as usual).

  4. TeeVee, what's that? I pay only for the web and can access movies, snews and everything else free. Cable is like the Chrystia swirl on my morning Turdoo!

    Chutes Magoo
