Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday Ramble: Boomer Anthems

 One of the blogs that I really used to like was American Digest, hosted by Gerard. Man alive…that man possessed a clarity of thought and a spirit that I saw from few others of his generation. Often he’d play moldly oldies that the kids of his generation loved and talk about the memories they invoked. 

I was born in the second wave of Boomers in the mid 60s and can remember their music and the flavour of the times. When this one came out, (1980) - the institution of marriage had suffered it’s first massive stroke when legions of shitlibbed Boomer women discovered that their men and families didn’t make them happy anymore, so they divorced them en masse and struck out on their own to seek their happiness and fortune elsewhere. They took their men to the cleaners in divorce court, absconded with cash and prizes…and legions of middle aged men found themselves back in the dating game. Divorce was everywhere and Gen X took the hit square in the snout.

This cringe inducing toon tells the story of promiscuous partners discovering they really loved each other after all. It was written for a generation failed by marriage, wishing that their broken relationships would somehow magically repair themselves and they’d live happily ever after.

Fast forward 45 years…and I’m watching my parents’ generation finally die off. Did those empowered women of the 80’s that dumped their husbands ever find that happiness they were entitled too? Did those men ever re-marry and recover their sense of purpose and meaning in life again? How many of them wished they’d stayed married in hindsight? If Gerard were here today I’d love to ask him: what in hell were you guys thinking back then? Gerard was one of the few men of that time that could take and hear the question without getting mad, and give you an answer that made sense.

Wokeness destroyed my family. I was fully responsible, I was given the choice to submit to it or go along with it and I rejected it, knowing full well I’d be rejected in return. I’d seen what people afflicted by demons do to their families and I figured I was better off taking my emotional lumps up front and get it over with, rather than putting them off by trying to cope with the impossible. Either way the devil gets his dues. For better or for worse, if I have to take a bullet I’d prefer to take it in the chest rather than the back. Having taken those shots and survived…I dunno which way of taking them is better, when families collapse? And maybe Gerard and people of his generation didn’t either? Or maybe they did and I just don’t get it?

Sometimes I sit here on sleepless nights, wondering what life could have been had the shots not been fired and the cards fell another way…and I can’t see anything I could have done to make things better, or at least tolerable for everyone. Something had to give, sometimes life just gets too big and complex for one man to deal with. All you can do is make the best of the hand you’re dealt.

I hope your compromises with life are good ones.




  1. If this is the same Gerard, I believe that his friend the New Neo has completed the editing of a book of his writings that will be published soon.


    1. Yep, that’s him. In fact I’m pretty sure he’s published a few works…

  2. "Did they find the happiness they deserved?"


    Happiness/unhappiness is internally generated. It can be influenced or triggered by externals but redecorating the house with a new color and a new man(men) will not make you "happy" if you are already unhappy.

    The Harpies torpedoed the ship they were sailing on thinking it would make them happy. Bad guess. Really bad tactics.

    1. I don’t think many of them did either Joe. And I think a lot of their unhappiness probably got passed onto their kids…

  3. During this period, early eighties. I was a psych nurse and a behavioral therapist and dealt with the detritus of these failed marriages, mainly the women would seek these services, men would head to the bar and commiserate with the bottle, bartender, his buds(in that order) of his failing relationship. It was not pretty. Media and friends, even other medical/psychologists professionals were encouraging women to "find" themselves as they possibly couldn't find them selves in the home where children and a devoted husband was at. It was a world wide pity party of loosening morals and common sense. We did not find ourselves. Yes, it happened to me, not unlike you, but still insidious in it's destruction of a family. In a lot of sense I am still affected by it and it has shaped my life in ways that are alien and certainly not the happiness I had envisioned. I have found another, deeper happiness, no, not the pablum of religion (they were in on it too) My happiness is I am alive at 66 and enjoy small pleasures. I enjoy my friends and part of my sibling family.

    1. Hrrrmmmmm.when I finally got my poop together after being cast out I actually went in for religion whole hog. Like you, I used to think it was something quite a bit worse than pablum. After studying it though… I found it was anything but. I’m in the bible every day…but unfortunately 60 years of being an arsehole makes my conversion difficult to this day. I struggle with faith rather than family now…

  4. Broken record here.
    (((They))) (JoooCommiePedoSatanists) have been planning/working towards this forever. They are wicked intelligent, their plans accelerated with the Frankfurt School perfecting psychological propaganda programming.
    It's big of you to take responsibility for something you had very little control over, but (((They))) are responsible for over 90% of it.
    "I'm not a smot man, but I know it's not the herd's fault." In my best Forrest Gump voice, reluctant herd member.

    1. I am beyond caring whose fault it is in my life, Mike. It’s kinda like survivor’s guilt… there is no reason for people to beat themselves up but they do anyways. I’m so glad that stage of my life’s over at this point… all that’s left now is enjoying what’s left…

  5. And as an added bonus, we got scores of shitty chick flicks starring the likes of Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, or Richard Gere, which basically glorified a completely fictional version of what you speak.

    Yes...I'll readily admit there were times sitting through that schlock DID get me laid. But seeing what that bullshit leads to more than 20 years later...I wonder if it was worth it in the end.

  6. Like the man said, shoulda, woulda, coulda. Hindsight being close to 20/20, it's still likely the outcome would be the same. You're up against the evil one, and only the Lord wins that fight. That's why I can tell you that none of this is your fault; you just aren't that bad.

    As for Christianity, I never had much use for it until much later in my life. Being born again is a supernatural event, and there isn't much in life that will prepare you for that experience. In my case, I lived in haunted houses twice, kept company with women who were truly psychic (at different times in my life), and had a very close encounter with the evil one. I ran into a pastor who had spent time in Africa and was used to dealing with heathens - he told me I was the hardest case he ever had.

    I was saved / born again on 8/18/2005 and baptized ten days later. I see things differently now, which is no surprise. Keep on keepin' on, because you're doing fine.

    1. Yeah I gotta get dunked, one of these days. I found God by tripping on Mort out at Dawg Island and going head first into a yellow snow bank. I saw the perfection of a billion tiny snow flakes, the beauty of a winter morn, and I felt the live of my dawgs… all stuff that was lost and disappeared as my life’s problems stacked up… and it was like an epiphany - you realize you’ve done everything you can, nothing is in your control anymore… and I just threw it all at my Maker and told Him to do what He wished…because I was just DONE. It still chokes me up to this day… ALL the crazy in my life just fell away. I started thinking and stopped worrying - and everything just fell away. It’s hard to describe but it almost is like being reborn. It certainly started a new life for me.

      I think finding a new church was a huge win too.

    2. Yep, that's the way it is Brother.
