Wednesday, June 26, 2024

It Isn’t A Narrative…It’s Life…

 I don’t get it. I never have. You get one… maybe two people together…you’ll get something done. Maybe. Three or more? Forget it! The collective IQ will fall like a stone as more people are added. 

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this many times. In one case, every engineer and every manager knew what we needed done with the unit and agreed individually to support my project. Once we got everyone in the same room to finalize it, Joe Biden level dementia set in and people started arguing and contradicting themselves and questioning facts that they knew very well were true. Ended up putting the project on hold and nothing got done. Then afterwards complained and put the blame on everyone else but themselves. I've since learned to never work well with groups, there is no point to it.
