Monday, April 29, 2024

What Kind Of Woman…

…inhabits a space like this…?


  1. A woman I'd like to meet up with for a cup of coffee. Black, no sugar. Interesting people often live in interesting spaces.

  2. A keeper, if you're good enough.

  3. The kind who is rich or snobby enough to have someone else who does the cleaning. Gorgeous room, but that’s gotta be a stone cold bastard to clean.

  4. Natural lighting from that is awesome, but the heat gain from overhead sun will turn it into an oven very quickly, unless overhead cover is provided. I know this 1st hand - the 1st office I worked in had an inner atrium to light up the interior and the boss decided some extra office space was needed. Too, the tree inside that atrium created an impressive leaf pile where cockroaches of giant stature dwelled. Some big muthas those !!

    A structure extremely similar to that photo was constructed. The experience related is what happened - the boss finally had adjustable blinds made to adjust the light level which mitigated (but did not completely rid) the problem of heat. A/C ductwork became involved.

    But it does look great.

  5. My great-grandmother was from Austria, she lived in a little brownstone in NYC and I honestly can't remember ever seeing her out of her kitchen. Damn could she cook.
    - WDS

  6. This kind of woman - - because it's almost certainly AI generated.
