Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Camp Trip Continues

What a wonderful trip. It’s early spring here in Alberta and we’re finally starting to warm up. Still gets chilly at night though. Last night I cranked up the generator and furnace and ran it till the camper warmed up…and then we shut everything down and went to bed. And lord… I slept like a rock. Outside it went down a few degrees below freezing but inside I think we stayed above…none of the water froze. I got up to do my business early this morn and fired everything up again…and had a nice and toasty camper again in minutes. I haven’t slept the night through in ages. 

It’s the niglet’s first camp trip and she was very anxious the first day. She whined and cried a lot especially when the wife and I separated to do chores. But she will come along. I wasn’t able to get her out last year because of mom and pop… so she has a lot of ground to cover. She survived the night and slept well too. It’s gonna be a good weekend.



  1. Bet you never thought you'd run into Chrystia Freeland, didja?
    - WDS

  2. Thats a good dog Glen. Niglet has the F around find out glare. Glad your out and about brother. Much love... Spiro.
