Thursday, April 25, 2024

Social Justice


Well it’s not like this stuff is hidden either though. It’s all in books, it’s all on line. For Darwin, Murphy, and Even God … ignorance is no excuse. 

And it’s not sad either. It’s a fact of life. If you’re so stupid that you think socialism is a good system of govt, or you are so lazy that you’ll sit on your hands while morons bring it about…Welp…the inevitable genocides that are headed your way are all on you. THAT is social justifice. The useful fools get culled or put in work camps, the internal party is ruthlessly policed and periodically purged, and a privileged 0.1% owns everything and their word is law. 

If you see a socialist today, kick him in the balls. No explanation needed…he’ll know why…



  2. This go round won't be as easy for them because we are armed to the teeth and motivated to stay alive! Threats of jail for non compliance are increasingly meaningless to those who are familiar with history as it relates to tyranny! Eat the peanuts Turdoo you fucking lispy traitor!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. A few years ago the local junior school social teacher had pictures of his heroes up in the classroom. I went to the principal and pointed out celebrating mass murders and genocide is not acceptable.
    He had a picture of chei, stalin, both castro's, mao, lenin and pol pot.


  4. It’s incredible. There is non-stop yapping about the 6 gazillion jews that Hitler supposedly killed…yet both Stalin and Mao killed tens of millions of people and not a single word is said or a tear shed…
