Saturday, April 27, 2024

Saturday Stubfart Symposium: Filthie Wrecks Pysics


It’s called a tesseract.
Supposedly that’s what a cube looks like if you extend it into the hypothetical fourth dimension.
Looks to me like a cube pulling itself through it’s own bunghole.

I get a head ache with crap like this. I just came off an OyTube where that quack - the late Carl Sagan - tells us not to worry about visualizing the tesseract, just knowing it exists is about as good as three dimensional beings like us are gonna do. All the tessaract is, is a projection of a 4D object into 3D. Similarly an architect can imply three dimensions on his 2D blue prints.


Y’know what, Carl? Shaddup! That thing is an offence to even my intellect. But - fine! We’ll play it your way, smartypants! The other tall foreheads tell us that time is imaginary and that there are ten dimensions in total. Care to project that POS up a dimension..? And then again, 5 more times…? The mind wobbles! 

Consider: If I were a ten dimensional being…I’d have infinite mass, infinite density, and infinite volume. Why, I’d start ingesting EVERYTHING around me and collapse into a black hole! I’ve worked out the specifics and physical model to scientifically explain the process:

Doesn’t matter how many dimensions there are - a guy’s
gotta eat in all of ‘em, right?
This is what the meal time schedule looks like in 10 dimensions.

I hate to break it to you PhD egg heads and intellectual poseurs at Cal Tech and Kansas KU… but there goes your stable 10D model of the universe! It would have to collapse in on itself and produce what I will call “The Fat Albert Singularity”. 

Unless of course…any of you self proclaimed geniuses can describe a stable ten dimensional black hole…? Riiiiiiiight. Up your ass, Carl!!! 🤬

It just goes to show you what the difference is between a man with an intellect and a man with a diploma. Up your ass too, Neil deGrasse Tyson! You retarded space monkey! 😡

Holy shit… ya know what? Thinking all that through and working backwards… welp… hate to say it but I’ve been hoisted on my own petard too! Think about it!!!

The world truly is flat!

I hope all you lesser intellects out there were able to follow my scholarly lecture - and that you have something fun lined up today. Remember to spare some time to hassle the kids and the old folks too.


Dr. Filthie


  1. Space has exactly 3 dimensions, and is Euclidean ("flat"). Time is imaginary (a type of spin). Spacetime is thus four dimensional and hyperbolic ("curved"). You need spacetime for anything to move and change. And when we talk about time, there are really two different times: objective ("coordinate") and subjective ("proper") time. For example, light (photons) experiences no proper time at all, but is subject to change in coordinate time.

    1. Yep that seems to be what my preferred eggheads are saying too...

    2. There are "higher", other dimensional planes that are not limited by physics. There are several, (10+) before the "God" realm. That whole "all is one" thing is true, but in our lower, limited realm (the densest one), we use separation, space and time for "experiencing our shared and individual activities". I'm sure I've cleared everything up for y'all.

  2. See Robert Heinlein's "And He Built a Crooked House."

  3. Where do thoughts come from?

    Chutes Magoo

  4. 10 or 11 dimensions is what the string and supergravity fanboys are peddling. I prefer to think of 5 dimensions: 3 of space, 1 of time, 1 of mass. In particular, Pharis Williams started with just thermodynamics, just about the only theory that gives a direction to time, and showed that applied in different limits you'd find most of physics in 5D. He was a God fearing man who would pray for inspiration when he got stumped.His friends wrote a memorial paper that's worth checking out -
