Sunday, April 7, 2024

I think it was on either OyTube or Nutlflix that they were talking about the history of Christianity. There’s a crockumentary on Moses right now on Nutflix … I think the proper term for it is “docu-drama”. It made me laugh - there was an agenda and a narrative behind it. The “experts” on the show were all creepy jews and moslems. One was a frumpy horse faced woman with a bad hair cut, if ya catch my drift… as a Christian I was supposed to listen to those muppets and take them seriously.


The one that interested me was the point in time when the bible went mainstream with the help of the printing press.  The clergymen were in a flather worrying about whether it should be disseminated to the people and the “experts” all agree that it was because the clerics of the period were fearful of losing their authority and control of the commoners - it was all self interest.

I can see that… but…I wonder. Look around at all of the howler monkeys justifying their lunacy with the bible. The queers, the cults, and endless grifters. You can make a powerful case that the bible should be a controlled document and that religion should be a supervised and controlled affair.

Everyone has a Bible but very few actually seem to read it and fewer still seem to comprehend it.


  1. God has no religion and all of them are corrupted.
    May your name be written in the Lamb's Book.
    May we all see our people and pets again in Shangri-La

  2. Reading the Bible has never been forbidden. At one time when they were hand copied the church Bible was locked up so it would not be stolen and only Clergy read them. The corrupted KJV should not be read by anyone. MLK changed wording and dropped books that proved that he was wrong in spite of the dire warning at the end of revelations of what would become of anyone corrupting the Bible.

  3. Don’t look into the Scofield Bible then.
    You wouldn’t like that.
