Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Celebrate Yourself! And Make A List…


Well today it’s my daughter’s birthday. She’s 39 now. 

Holy sheeeit.

Where does the time go? It’s funny because my big family upheavals seem to go in cycles. My grandparents started dying off in the 2000’s and some older friends and acquaintances all went at once around then too. Everything was fine until about 2013 and then what was left of our family just exploded. It was all culture and politics I guess. I’ve read historical accounts of how America’s first civil war divided friends, neighbours and family and in younger, more naive days…I wondered how political and cultural things could generate such acrimonious feelings between friends and loved ones. 

When the daughter came out of the closet and claimed the family for clown world…that was the last straw for me - or so I thought. At that time I just found myself living amongst aliens. They wanted things I hated, they wanted to live in ways that I hated, and they wanted to force me to accept and tolerate their convictions. Even that wasn’t enough; I had to recant my own morals and ethics and celebrate theirs. Of course I refused. And I say without a word of a lie that if they wanted to get stupid and kinetic about imposing their BS on me…I’d probably kill them for it too. That feeling is mutual; during the Covid Scam my mother wanted me rounded up and thrown in a concentration camp, HAR HAR HAR! HAR HAR HAR! As it was we just all rejected each other. Fortunately we still have freedom of association.


Ye gods. I am so thankful we can ignore each other - for now at least. But…I feel it too, just like a lot of people. Like there is a reckoning coming and all these slights, taunts, goads…that they will be repaid with blood and steel. Our self proclaimed leaders can’t run a family like this…and yet they “run” our nations.? I can’t help but feel that something has to give, and when it does, the gloves will come off. Whatever happens, it’s all good by me at this point.

I will not go on a killing spree… but if they come for me I will fight like that 3rd monkey trying to get on Noah’s Ark. And if Darwin, Murphy and the devil come calling I’ll draw up some accountability lists, grab whatever weapons are at hand and play my part in the festivities. 


And while none of this bothers me sometimes I wonder … how all this came about? I’m watching the splinters of my former family falling apart and turn against each other now. Everything seems to be about vengeance. How did we go from solid happy families to this? Didn’t anyone think about what might happen?

But whadda I know? Put ya’s griefs n’ beefs on a list, I guess, and when the time is right, don’t get mad…get even! I hope y’all have a great straight cis-type Humpday and that you enjoy the rest of Pervert Visability Week.



  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter!! As for the "how all this came about"? It's been decades in the making as with everything else. I caught Gore Vidal on Johnny Carson. I never heard of the guy, but I did like the way he thought, and it was 40 years ago this re-run. As with politics, the nuclear family has also crumbled.

  2. Queefy carpet munchers and their tribbing tribulations.
    I do know a thespian with a killer Harley with nekkied ladiez on the front forks that loves to tease with the ankle socks and short skirts, stockings.
    Makes my pee pee harder than a ten pound of jawbreakers.
    She served in the Navy and got jacked by the wrong vaccine.
    Tolerance and no balls to say NO is how we got to the American Maoist Great Leap Forward.
    Time to burn it all down.

  3. A must read, that explains what has happened quite well, is the book "The Age of Entitlement" by Christopher Caldwell.

    1. An example:

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "…and yet they “run” our nations.?

    Uhhh... Glen... You missed the "i" in "ruin..."

  6. And I got my list... You Filthie, Don't mind me and a few others are circled, No Kill... just meme them with bad fart jokes.

  7. I don't have a list, not even a bucket list, too broke. I'm old enough and dealt with enough people (ship yards, 8 years, tree service boss, 30 years, real estate appraisal, 6 years), that when I run into people that should be on a list, I'll recognize them quick enough.
    I'm certain I am on "The Lists", as are we all, because we stop by here and other thought crime sites.
    As for your substituting Lewis guns for Maxims, well, that IS worthy of a flogging. EVERYBODY knows the default ultimate high speed, low drag is an original German MG 42, chambered in 308. However, I will allow mercy on your sinful hide because I consider your British centric view on weapons a disability that can be cured.
    Otherwise, you're coming along fairly well, carry on.

  8. Delusional ungodly deviants!


  9. The wages of SIN is DEATH
    Lesbian women die 20 percent younger than straight women due to stress of 'toxic' social stigma, according to new study.
    Bisexual women die 37 percent younger than heterosexual women.
