Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Filthie Cow Puncher

 Got it all in one piece… ☺️πŸ‘

Turn up the sound!

Up your ass, Texas! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

Hey…why did my video segment get cut out of the official music video?!?!😑😑😑 


  1. I've had some experience with that green torpedo. I prefer to let it plop and dry. Much easier to deal with. You can burn them for heat or fling them for fun. The tumble bugs like it better a bit dryer, too.

    I've have had the wet stuff between my toes, fingers and eyelids before. Usually trying to catch a calf for sick call. Fresh green grass comes out much more hydraulically than hay fed.

    As to your Texas comment, a true Texican has that stuff on the outside of his boots. The transplants usually get that backwards.

    Happy Sunday you old reprobate!

    1. Yep. And to be honest, I’ve had poop on my boot plenty of times too! πŸ˜‚

      How are the new digs, STxAR? Thanks for dropping in, eh?
