Saturday, February 10, 2024



I’m alright!!! I’m okay!!! Might a shat myself a bit but that’s just par for the course. I just swallowed my pipe again… I really shouldn’t watch Turdo La Doo while I’m smoking! HAR HAR HAR!!! Ol’ Faggot Face is capering for the cameras again! Put down your coffee, swallow…and watch this - Bell Media, which is a propaganda bullhorn for the Canadian division of Globohomo Inc…. just cut 4500 jobs! And poor Justine is oh-so-terribly PISSED!!!


Oh no!!! Faggot Face is gonna have a hissy fit!!!
No doubt this is the doing of racists, Nazis, and 
climate change deniers!!!

HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!! All his fart catchers, faggots, fwenchmen and feminists are losing their jobs because eeeeeeeeevil globalist corporations are running their own mass media companies into the ground just so they can make innocent hard working journalists miserable!!! HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!


Why… without CTV non-celebrities and empty-headed talking heads… where will guys like Aesop and Comrade Cow Cnut get their information from?!?! Why…!!! OUR VERY DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE!!! 

Oh gawd… I’m getting laughing cramps! What is it those media shit heels said to gas and oil workers getting laid off because of tightening environmental regulations and taxes? “Learn to code”…?

How about you assholes learn to enjoy cat food and freezing in the dark? HAR HAR HAR!!!

What goes around comes around, and karma’s a way bigger bitch than Turdo is!!!

Ahhhhhhhhh…. HAR HAR HAR HAR!!! 

I better either go lie down or sit on the chitter…☺️


  1. His cog dis is amazing! He thought it was great to get rid of mom and pop conservative sites, when it happens to "his", it's horrible!

    1. And we all know rampant shitlibbery can’t possibly have anything to do with it…😂

  2. Courtesy of Kate at SDA, this might be worth considering:

  3. Clue me in on Cow Cnut. I'm not familiar.

  4. Being a citizen of the U.S. of A., I can't really criticize old JT too much or too loudly. We have Slow Joe Bidet, and if there were an Olympic for public stupidity, well... my money's on Slow Joe.

    1. It’d be a darn close contest, Jack.
